Why does ArtEffect gets slower and slower?
If ArtEffect is getting slower and slower while working on a picture please have a look at the Undo levels. Please set the value to 2 - 5, because "unlimited undo" might make the system slow.
If it is still to slow, please set the Undo level to 1. In some cases it is better to switch off "Async I/O" on "VMem" settings.
If the VMEM/temp file is large, and your harddrive is fragmented, it can happen that booting AE takes a very long time. In this case you should reorganize your harddrive or choose a partition on your harddrive with enough space on it.
Why doesn't ArtEffect start?
Maybe your settings are opening a screenmode your monitor can not display (because you are using an VGA monitor) or something like this. In that case you can delete the file "program2.cfg" in the arteffect:settings drawer. You can also delete all files of this drawer to set all settings to its defaults.
When ArtEffect stops working during initialisation of the PlugIns (the start picture is still open) then the last loaded PlugIn does not work with your version of ArtEffect. Please delete it in this case. You will find it in the drawer "ArtEffect:plugins2".
Why do I get a black picture when I loaded a picture?
One reason for this effect is that you do not have enought memory for loading that picture. ArtEffect needs its memory in one block, so fragmentation could be a reason. Rebooting your Amiga would help in that case.
Another reason is that some TIF pictures types (e.g. CMYK TIF) can not be loaded by the internal ArtEffect loader. In that case you can either use the optional SuperView loaders or datatypes. To activate this you must remove the TIF loader of ArtEffect, because it is used first. The file is called TIF.pss and it is located at arteffect:plugins2.
I get the error message "Can't proceed with new setting". What does it mean?
This problem appears when you used the ArtEffect 2.6-patch, but did not install all the other files, which has to be done manually. Please also install all files of libs, plugins2, ArtEffect.wizard and the new wizard.library. Please refer to the Readme-file for details.